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MET Core Offer

The Marlow Education Trust has a strong model of school improvement to support the quality of education systematically. As a Trust we can reduce professionals’ workload, and improve the quality of provision.

Our core offer is the collection of central services that the Trust provides for all schools equally.  The core offer is funded through the central service contribution.  This allows for the allocation of resources for school improvement which collectively adds more value than any school can achieve on their own.   

One of our key beliefs is to maintain maximum funds in school and to drive efficiencies at the centre, thereby releasing funds back to the individual schools. The content of the core offer needs to pass the test of value for money while ensuring that it provides the highest quality of service. 

The Marlow Education Trust is not a separate entity to its schools.  Moreover, we are a group of schools that comprise the Trust with all schools working collectively together and being both givers and receivers of support.  It is only through operating in this way that we can realise our Vision. 

The core offer is built to support improving the quality of education.  School improvement is more than the improvement of learning and teaching and the improvement of educational outcomes, albeit this is the most critical part.  It also involves the way a school is run as an organisation. Therefore, our core offer provides support for all the main operational and strategic functions of schools.

Our core offer is built around the five pillars of Trust quality.