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The CEO & Accounting Officer for the MET is Mr Kevin Ford,  Kevin can be contacted at, he has extensive experience with and working to support schools in Marlow and across Buckinghamshire.

The MET central team comprises of various teams led by the following individuals.

Our CFO, Mrs Fulden Thomas.  Mrs Thomas is a qualified accountant, with over 10 years experience as a financial expert in schools, including working as the finance lead in three academy trusts.

Our HR Director Mrs Anna Summerfield,  Mrs Summerfield has 15 years experience as an HR specialist, both in schools and industry, including working for large organisations such as Debenhams

Our School Improvement Team is led by Mr Ralph Batten, Mr Batten has worked in school improvement for over 20 years.  He was formerly a Head, in both primary and secondary phases, and has supported schools across Buckinghamshire and other local authorities.  

We are currently interviewing for a new Operations Director